Saturday, February 7, 2009

"The Day You'll Love Me"

The director used a lot of pictures sequencing the events using newspaper headlines, different locations and compared pictures. The director often refering back to the main picture with close ups and different angles. One example of using differnt angles was when he showed the picture of one of the hands covered up leaving the question of was his hand cut off.
He used an interesting approach by talking to the photographer about the event and what happened, asked questions, asked about his opinions and speculations about the experience. The questions that were asked were questions that wouldn't normally be asked which made you think differently. When asked about the solider with the magazine, the photographer explained that he felt it was wrong and that the picture was using as ID but it seemed as though the photographer was upset by that idea and that the picture with the magazine took away the holyness of Che.
The director also traveled to Bolivia so it would be a local place to film and showed the context through time.The music helped to guide feelings about the film to set the tone and mood at the time the pictures were taken. It seemed as if some or most of it was also slow motion. The poetry readings helped to contextualize the situation.

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